Sunday, 19 August 2012

Tweeting, and attempting an online PD

So this has been a MASSIVE week of learning and sharing, and most of it was not in or from the directions I anticipated.

I had mentally declared this week my #moocmooc week; 

I'd enrolled, checked out the platform and resources, contributed to the first piece of homework (collaborative group writing in a Google doc on set topic, including requirement to cite from 3 specific references, embed a free-to-share or Creative'ly Commons'd image, and an exact word count limit.)

After tapping away a paragraph of my rough thoughts, and a good night's Australian sleep, I woke to find that the real work and collaboration had happened overnight. I learnt heaps by reading the completed docs, there are some excellent writers out there in the world, with very articulate turns of phrase, and it's amazing to think it was many minds working to complete such a coherent piece of writing. Some of the docs had left their chain of thoughts on the paper under a separate heading, so you could read the process they went through, in addition to their final piece. A very enlightening concept. So did I quit?

Well not in my mind, more a temporary retreat to lurker status whilst I got on with other things, like...

  • signing up for the Classroom 2.0 online conference/Ning page (the conference starts this Monday 20 August 2012)
  • sharing with Deakin Uni library colleagues the Classroom 2.0 link, highlighting the upcoming keynotes (Marc Prensky and a powerhouse library panel), and most helpfully, the schedule of all presentations, in my Melbourne'ised timezone! (+10, if you were wondering). I had been experimenting this week with timeanddate's meeting planner, but trying to work out daylight savings or not was doing my head in! 
  • sharing (again w/ Deakin Uni library colleagues) the associated Library 2.0 conference which is in October.This conference is calling for presentations, and is another example of free pd and connecting opportunities coming together, in 'the cloud'.
  • I was also bashing away on a strategic document with a colleague, something that will guide further actions for her and I, and other colleagues activity, but still leave room for creativity.
  • And meetings, prep'ing for meetings, and writing a couple of reports... 
But more interestingly... this week I have:
  • supported and learnt with other new people to Twitter and Yammer,
  • started sorting out my Tweetdeck layout (the columns, the columns! Way to categorise, sort, and layout!)
  • made sure I am uptodate with reading and viewing of @susie_mac 's latest post about Twitter, and gaming motivations 
  • and revisited the #moocmooc stream, 'cause while I may not have participated as fully as I thought I would, I am interested in seeing what the more active participants are tweeting about their experience.

Technical self note
Yay! Downloaded Chrome app to iPad and so far I seem to be able to get more control of formatting, bullet points and layout, than when in iPad Safari browser. #points4persistence
I'm also going to experiment with the Blogger post template this week, to see if that helps me to write more regularly by having a structure, rather than the dreaded empty page.

* Sponsor's declaration
Work on this blog post was sustained by my PWMA banana cake. Easy to make, easy to eat! Tweet me if you want the recipe ;-) 


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